Sunday, May 4, 2008

My weekend

Yesterday was a big day. We started to rip out our kitchen because we are going to be doing a big remodel project. So we cleaned out all of the cabinets and took more stuff to our storage shed. I am really excited for it. When it is done it will look good and I can not wait. While we are doing it we won’t have a kitchen but it will be worth it. I also bought Mariokart for the Wii yesterday. Then last night we went to the Clark planetarium. We saw a show called rock on demand.

When I bought Mariokart I came home and started playing it, which every one does when they get a new game. It was a little hard at first, but once I got the hang of it I was really good. It is a fun game and I have already unlock a new character and some new tracks. It is a fun game to play with family and friends. I was playing it with my cousins today and it was a blast. They were having a little trouble getting use to it, but they had fun. I can not wait to unlock more stuff.

Last night I went to the Clark planetarium. We were going to see a show called rock on demand. We bought the tickets, but we still had an hour to kill. We went to the food court and ate. Then my dad wanted to go buy a Shaun Alexander jersey, since they were 50% off, at fans. We then went back to the planetarium and looked at some stuff, and I was not there for my term project for Mrs. Cobia’s class. I looked at some things about eclipses. I found out that the moon turns orange and red because of the little light of the sun that reflects through the atmosphere and then hits the moon.

We then went to the dome theater for the show. What you do is that we would vote on songs that we would want them to play. They would then play the song while we watched a little show which went along with the song. I did not know a lot of songs but I knew Back in the USSR, Back in Black, and Another brick in the wall by Pink Floyd. They had these cool lasers that would go along with the song. They also had strobe lights which really hurt my eyes.

I am glad that we only have four weeks left of school. I am glad that I will not have any homework and I can relax. This last week flew by fast and the next weeks will go by even faster. I just hope that I won’t have a lot of homework. I will be glad when the CRT’s are over. I can not wait for the end of school because I will then be on vacation in Washington DC. I am so excited for that trip that the last week will seem to drag.

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