Sunday, March 2, 2008

Camp out

This Friday my troop went on a camp out. We stayed at a cabin in Heber valley. Their was a good three feet of snow in the mountains. We left Friday at four o’clock and it took us a hour and half to get their. The drive way down to the cabin does not get plowed and it can not be shoveled because it is gravel. We had to hike our gear in while stepping through the three feet of snow. After we had unpacked all of our stuff and all of the equipment was out of the car we started to cook dinner.

For dinner we ate ribs. They where real good and the sauce was delicious. For desert we had peach cobbler cooked in the Dutch oven. From hiking in we had packed down a path through the snow which we widened to make a hill to sled down on snow boards with. And at the end of the hill we made a jump which took a lot of people time to actually land after going off the jump. It was fun and it made you tired after climbing up the hill a few times after you went down.

Since the cabin has running electricity one of our scout masters brought his Wii and we played Guitar Hero three for most of the night. We had a scout bring another guitar and we had face-offs. We had to rotate so everyone could play. I thought I was pretty good but after seeing them play I looked like I was playing for the first time. They gave some pointers and I hope I will be able to beat them next time. Of course I am not going to tell you some of the secrets I learned.

We switched to ray man after we got tired. It was a game that would make you laugh just by watching it. It was basically just a bunch of mini games. In one you had to kick a bunny through a soccer goal. Another ones we played was one where you used a horn and a bell to guide the bunny in a direction to make hit rakes, electric batteries, and fires. Then on one you had to pound a bunny on the head with a hammer as many times as you could and whoever made the biggest goose egg. Their were a lot of others that were fun, too.

After we woke up and ate breakfast we were able to play some more outside. Around eleven o’clock we had to pack and take every thing up to the cars. After we left we were going to Heber to have lunch. We where going to eat at dairy keen but someone said their was a place called Annie’s that had good milkshakes. When we got their a sign said they were closed for the winter. So we went back to our original plan and ate at dairy keen which is like a dairy queen and Dylan’s combined. It took us another our to get home. It was about three in the afternoon and it was raining.

1 comment:

Panda Girl said...

Wow that sounds like a REALLY fun campout!!!