Sunday, October 14, 2007

Don't Know What to Write About

I do not know what to write about because there is too much to write about. Instead of telling you about one thing and going into real detail about it, I am going to tell you alot of things and a little bit about that thing.

One thing thats happening is Science Olympiad that I am trying out for. Our applications are due tomarrow and we have to take a test on Wendsday to show how smart we are and the test is two-hundred questions and we only have two hours to do it. We find out on Friday if we make it or not. We might have a High School team this year which means its made up of fifteen ninth graders (who are really considered to be in High School) who compete against other High Schools. I hope I make the Junior High team because I do not like the events on the High School teams and I would not like to compete against High School students.

I have an Orchestra concert on Wendsday (wich is the same day as the test). I do not think we are ready for it yet. There is this one song that we have not had for a long time so we haven't practice it that much. Our teacher may just cut the song from the program if it is not ready to be preformed. Like I have said before, The concert is on the same day as the test, which I will not get done with until 5:30. Then I have to be at the concert at 6:15 and then it starts at 7:00. After the concert I have to come home and do my homework. There is math which will be a worksheet but can still take a long time plus any other homework I have from other classes. I have a feeling that this day will be very long and I will look forward to sleeping

I am also going to go camping on Friday. It is going to be a fun trip. It will take along time to get there. We are going to leave around 2:45 and then be back late Saturday evening around 9:00. I do not know what we are doing on this camp out but it is always fun to go. We arrive around dinner time so we quickly set up camp while our scout master cookes dinner then we eat dinner. After dinner we talk and play around then when its night we gather around the campfire and roast marshmelows. Then we talk more then go to our tents then we have a choice to either go to bed our we can stay up as long as we keep quiet. In the morning our scout master wakes us up around seven o'clock and then we pack up camp while he cooks breakfast. Depending on how far away we are from home we stay and play around more and have lunch or we leave after breakfest. On some camp outs we have one leader drive home in the morning if some people have to be at soccer games. I really like to go on camp outs they are a blast.

That is all I have this week.

1 comment:

Lots of Keys said...

There's a high school team!? Well, if I knew that I would have tried out, oh well though. Too late now. I hope you make it!