Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas Tradition

Most families have traditions they do for the holidays. I like my families traditions. Every year we decorate a tree. My dad lives to decorate trees because we never make the tree look like the trees from other years. We always buy new ornaments every year. Most of the time we have a real tree and some times a flocked tree (which is a tree that looks like the branches have snow on them). This year though we have a fake tree, even though my dad hates fake trees, because we are remodeling the kitchen. Now I am going to tell you about the trees we have decorated over the past couple of years and I will show you a picture if I have one of it.

This a picture of this years tree.
It is a small tree but we had to make do. We did not put that much effort into this tree because we can't spend to much on the tree. the theme of this tree was "blue". You can see that their is a ribbon of different shades of blue going around the tree. It also has poinsettias with light blue pedals. It also has blue and white glass balls. You can barley tell but their is plastic icicles. You can't see the lights because they are not on at the moment.

Last year we did have a tree, but I do not have a picture of it and I can not remember what it looks like. Last year though we did build an igloo,with the neighbors, and have pleanty of pictures of it. We would build the igloo with blocks, like most are, and then pack the gaps with snow. The first couple of pictures will show how we made the blocks of snow. The picture after that shows me and my brother filling gaps int the first couple of layers of the igloo. In the next picture it shows the igloo when it is about half way done. Finally the last picture shows the igloo when we are around the top part. that was about as far as we got because gravity started to take over and the blocks we put on would fall off. In order to get it to work we would have to brace it up and spray it with water in order to stay, but that would be too much work and the igloo started melting the next day.

Now I have a picture of our 2005 tree.
As you can see this tree is flocked and when ever your tree is flocked changes what king of color scheme you do with the ornaments. Like you would not want to do blue on this tree. You would not want to do gold on the other tree. This tree is a lot bigger than this years tree and it is also a real tree that is flocked. The theme for this tree is red and gold. Like the other tree this tree has a ribbon going down it that is red and gold. you can also see that their is an angel on top. You can not realy see them from this picture but their is pine cones in the tree. Then the rest of the ornaments are just different ornaments that are red and gold.


Panda Girl said...

WHOA! That is a totally awesome igloo!!!!!!!!

Lots of Keys said...

Yeah! I didn't know that people could actually build those, haha. I just thought that you were supposed to make snow caves or something like taht, haha.

Anonymous said...

We actually haven't put up our tree yet, and I refuse to do so until the week before Christmas (which is slowly but surely creeping upon us!) It looks as if you built a really cool fort/igloo thing. Our favorite way to make one is to put a whole bunch of snow in a pile and hollow it out. My Dad said an igloo like that would never work- I'm glad it did for you.