Sunday, December 16, 2007


Everybody likes to read a good book every once and a while. Some more frequent than others and some not at all. No everybody likes to read the same books. People like different genre's some people like at least two kinds. You can mostly separate them into adventure, romance, fantasy, mystery, science fiction, historical fiction, and action. I would have to say that adventure is my favorite genre to read. The next ones I like to read are mystery, science fiction, and action. The one I hate the most is probably romance. Than the rest are like l would only read if some said I read this book and it was great and you should read it. Their are also combinations of genre's like Harry Potter is like adventure, romance, and a mystery. Usually when a book contains more than one genre more people like it.

Then of course their is everybody books to read list. When I am thinking of adding a book on I base it off of three things the first one, can I read it. Second, do I have time to read it. Third, would it keep me interested. My list right now contains a lot of series like, the star wars trilogy, The bourne series ,and the three musketeers. I also have books like the Hunt for the Red October. But, In a school system were we are required to read a book for a grade we barely have time to read books we want to read. That is why when we get a choice to read a book or something else I pick the something else. I also do this to avoid a long list of books I have to read. Of course you have to have a reason you want to read a book to put it on your list. The main reason I want to read the Bourne series is because I want to see how close the it is with the movie and it explains more. I also want to read the Star Wars Trilogy because I want to read the original star wars not all of the off shoot series that are about Jedi's and versions by different authors.

Now I have a lot of favorite books. If somebody were to ask me what is your favorite book I would say for what genre. If you said adventure the one book that would scream out to me would be Eragon. If you said fantasy I would have to go with Harry Potter. For Mystery I would have to say the count of Monte Cristo. That book was good because it left me wonder what would happen next and you had to guess what would he do next in his scheme. Everybody likes to read now some may not to do it as much as others but deep down everybody reads


Lots of Keys said...

I guess my favorite book would have to be Angels and Demons. To me it's like a mix of adventure and mystery. Of course it's fiction... All good books are, in my opinion. I didn't really like the Count of Monte Cristo. I thought the first 150 pages were much better than the rest. After that it just moved so slow...

I.N.H. said...

My favorite series is Twilight! No one would be suprised there! I don't see why boys get such a negative adittude when they here girls talking about.

Panda Girl said...

My favorite books... well, it's really hard to choose because I LOVE books! SEVERAL of my favorite, though, are definitely the Harry Potter series, Sammy Keyes series, The Bronze Bow, The Silver Knife, Elmo Jackson Man of Action, the Belgariad series... ha ha, well, you get the point. :D

Brain said...

The Shannara books are the best, hands down! And the best genre is fantasy!