Sunday, November 11, 2007

done at last!

Today I finally got to the eagle rank for scouts. It's been a long journey to get there. It was really hard because at first I did not go to scouts for six months. I had my board of review today. I'm just glad that it is done. On my mom's side of the family all of her brothers recieved their eagle.

When I first became a boy scout I did not attent all my meetings at first. Since I never went at first I fell behind so I had only earned my tenderfoot when I turned twelve. Most people get their 1st class by the age of twelve. I pick up fast though, I earned my 2nd and 1st class by the time I was thirteen. Then I had my star and life by the time I turned fourteen. Most people had their eagle by the age of fourteen. but since I started late I have already turned fourteen but, thats all right it's earning it that matters.

Part of geting to the rank of eagle is merit badges. To become a eagle their are twelve merit badges that you are requiered to get. Then you have to get a total of twent-one merit badges ( the twelve required are in cluded in that number) . You can earn most of the required by doing whats called a merit badge class. Merit badge class is a class you can go to to earn that merit badge. The other ones that don't have a class you have to find a counselor for that badge. Doing a merit badge thats not a class is the same as the class your just not in a classroom type enviroment. In a class the teacher is a merit badge counselor but they're a counselor for every one in the class.

To become an eagle you have to do an eagle project. It is a big thing to do and requires alot of time and effort. For my project I collected items for a women shelter. I did it around Christmas last year.

All of my mom's brothers recieved their eagles. My mom's older brother got his before he was fourteen. he did not like scouting that much so my grandma and grandpa told him the sooner he got his eagle the sooner he could quit. Statisticly only two out of every one hundred scouts get their eagles.

One of the fun things about geting your eagles is the court of honnor afterwards. A court of honnor is were people are reconized for their accomplishments in scouts. Normally it's for everyone but one for a eagle scout is for just that one person. I'm just glad I earned it.


Panda Girl said...

Good job! That's awesome you got your Eagle!!! :D

Lots of Keys said...

Yeah, it's awesome!! Unlike me who's one of the 98%, haha.